Please call and make an appointment if you wish to meet with a specific staff member to ensure time is allocated for your visit.
Mailing Address
PO Box 120 Morningside Qld 4170
Physical Address
Corner of Thynne & Lytton Roads, Morningside Qld 4170
Contact Information
Students who require a late or early departure for an appointment that cannot be scheduled out of hours, a parent or guardian must notify the school via the Student Absence SMS line on 0457 935 569.
Notifications should be made on the morning of early departure and advised no later than 8:45am. Where a student is required to leave during class time, they will need to collect a leave request pass from Student Services in the morning before school, so they can leave class without disruption.
Please understand that in an unexpected situation, we require a minimum of 1 hour notice to retrieve students from class. Not all our classrooms are fitted with individual phones. This means that office staff need to physically locate your student on campus. We avoid this if possible.
Students must always report to Student Services to sign out prior to leaving the school grounds.
National Relay Service
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). This is an Australia-wide phone and internet service.