
Senior school


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Phase of learning

Preparation for the senior school occurs in Year 10. Students are encouraged to explore the options available and to consider what subject areas they want to experience in preparation for future study in Year 11 and 12.

Providing a seamless learning pathway, students in Year 10 receive detailed information about senior subjects and information nights are held regarding course availability and choices. Then developing, in consultation with students, parents/carers, staff and other professionals, a Senior Education and Training Plan (SETP), outlining specific targets and pathways for Year 11 and beyond, and supported by career guidance and counselling advice, enabling articulated pathways through strong links with universities through school based tertiary subjects, TAFE and Industry.

In the senior school, students must study a minimum of six subjects. This must include a Maths and an English subject. 

Balmoral State High School offers a flexible Senior curriculum, where students have many different pathways and options available to them. The three Pathways students have to choose from in their senior years of schooling are: 

  • An ATAR pathway - students must study a minimum of five authority subjects. Three of these must remain the same for the whole two years.
  • A RANK pathway - students must choose a minimum of one vocational education and training (VET) certificate and can only choose one authority registered subject and up to four authority subjects.
  • A VET pathway - students must choose a minimum of two certificate-two qualifications, or be undertaking a school based apprenticeship or traineeship. Four other subjects must be studied which can be a combination of authority or authority registered subjects. 

Our Senior School Handbook has been designed to provide students and parents/carers with information on the full range of curriculum offerings in the Senior Phase of Learning, outlining what is required to receive the new Queensland Certificate of Education and optimise success for whatever pathway is chosen. Students may keep track of their QCE progress and access tertiary and career information by logging into the QCAA Student Connect webpage.

Career information and tracking student learning

All Queensland secondary students can log into a secure area on the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority website to locate career and tertiary information. Students can also access results, including credits banked toward their QCE. You will require your Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) number and password to enter this secure site. Please note that the LUI number is not issued until Year 10.

In 2015, all students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). There is no cost to register for a USI.  Registration occurs at the Australian Government USI website. If there are any further questions regarding the USI, please contact the school.​

Last reviewed 18 February 2025
Last updated 18 February 2025