School Based Youth Health Nurse – Nadia Rainbird

The School Based Youth Health Nurse (SBYHN) works collaboratively within the school community by:
- providing support for the school curriculum, teaching and learning activities
- supporting the planning, implementation and evaluation of health promotion activities
- supporting the development of partnerships with relevant government and non-government agencies, and community members
- supporting the development of a healthy school environment and ethos
- providing advice and information about health education resources, including relevant Queensland health policies and programs, and facilitating health related teacher in-service
- advocating on behalf of young people on issues affecting their health and wellbeing
- providing individual health consultations for students, parents and members of the school community.
Students may be referred to the SBYHN or may self-refer. Students who do not self-refer must consent to see the SBYHN.
The SBYHN can assist students with dealing with issues with their vision, hearing, weight, posture, skin, behaviour (e.g. peer group difficulties, excessive mood swings, unusually quiet/nervous, aggressive/destructive behaviour), drowsiness, lethargy, sexuality, smoking, menstrual issues.
The information provided to the SBYHN by students and staff is confidential unless the student is at serious risk of harm.
Nadia is at school every Monday. To book an appointment, follow the link or email Nadia directly on